Lamon, Eddie

Lamon, Eddie

Eddie Lamon grew up in Oklahoma and Northern California.  She became active in school and community affairs as a young mother living in South Central Los Angeles in the 1950s.  When she realized the need for mental health services in the community, she became a vocal and determined advocate, serving first on the Regional Citizen’s […]

King, Rose

King, Rose

Rose King is a Sacramento-based political and policy consultant, and a family member of several individuals with serious mental illness. After entering politics in 1968 by joining a campaign to recall Governor Ronald Reagan, King has worked for some of California’s most prominent politicians, including Bill Lockyer, Leo McCarthy, and Nancy Pelosi. As McCarthy’s Chief […]

Mandel, Susan

Mandel, Susan

Susan Mandel earned her doctorate in psychology from the University of Cincinnati in 1968. She worked as a staff psychologist at Alameda County Hospital prior to becoming Director of Mental Health for the County in 1975. In 1980, she became CEO of Pasadena Child Guidance Clinics, which became Pacific Clinics in 1987, and oversaw its […]

Saltzer, Bruce

Saltzer, Bruce

Bruce Saltzer received his law degree from USC and an MBA from the Claremont Graduate School.  He began his career in Legal Aid and worked as an advocate for the developmentally disabled.  In 1991, he was appointed Executive Director of the Association of Community Mental Health Agencies, and continued in this position when the organization […]

Ragins, Mark

Ragins, Mark

Mark Ragins grew up in Southern California.  He graduated from the California Institute of Technology and received his MD from Washington University in St. Louis.  After completing his residency in psychiatry at LA County-USC Hospital, he worked for several years in LAC-DMH public mental health clinics and at UCLA-Harbor General Hospital.  In 1990, he became […]

Quiroz, Roberto

Quiroz, Roberto

Roberto Quiroz was Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health 1984-91.  He earned his MSW from Columbia University and worked in New York in family therapy and at the NASW headquarters. In 1972, he was appointed assistant director of a new community mental health center in Pueblo, Colorado, and subsequently served as […]

Posner, Andrew

Posner, Andrew

Andrew Posner learned about mental illness through his own struggles, moved himself out of a board-and-care home to live in the community, and worked at a series of jobs to pay for his own treatment.  He became Executive Director of BACUP, Benefits Assistance Clients Urban Projects in 1986.  This self-help group assists mental health clients […]

Myrick, Keris Jän

Myrick, Keris Jän

Keris Jän Myrick earned a Master in Business Administration at Case Western Reserve University, a Master in Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Master of Science in Organizational Psychology.  She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology.  After working as a college admissions counselor for many years, she became involved with NAMI, sitting […]

McCraven, Carl and Eva

McCraven, Carl and Eva

Carl C. McCraven trained as an engineer at Howard University and was working in the aerospace industry in Los Angeles when he became Chairman of the Board of the new Pacoima Memorial Hospital.  The Community Mental Health Center was founded as part of the Hospital in 1966.  He earned a master’s degree in Health Sciences […]

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